Say No to SEO

If you own a small law firm, you have probably received a call from a legal marketer saying he can get you to the top of the first page of Google.

I hope you didn’t give the person on the other end of the line “just a five-minute meeting” and then handed over your credit card.

If you did, you probably did not get to the top of the first page of Google, and probably spent thousands of dollars.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

I have my own small law firm at

When it comes to marketing, I’ve made every mistake in the book.

This was all before I discovered Newsletter Marketing. But thankfully I never made the mistake of paying someone $5,000.00 or $10,000.00 per month to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO Marketing) for my firm.


What is SEO Marketing?

It is no secret that most people search Google for solutions to their problems. Unfortunately, most people only search the first page of google and go no further.

In a nutshell, Search Engine Optimization is just a fancy term meaning the act of getting your website as high up the rankings on Google for a particular search term as possible. Or, put another way, getting as close to the number one spot on the first page of Google as possible.

For example, I would be very happy if my law firm website was the first website people saw when they typed “Scottsdale Personal Injury Lawyer” into Google.

That will never happen.


Why it’s Not Possible to be Number One On the First Page?


First, go to Google right now and search for “Arizona DUI lawyer.” You will see there is only space for about 20 lawyers on page one. Of the 20 lawyers on page one, you may notice about half with “AD” in a square next to them. 

For example:

Newsletter marketing for lawyers
Example of “Ad” in square

What does the “AD” mean?

Websites and Law firm websites with “Ad” to the left of their site cost them money. Any company that you see with “Ad” next to their site had to pay for that spot, and they had to spend a lot of money.

If there is no AD next to it, the firm did not pay Google for the listing spot.


How to Get an “Ad” Next to Your Website

Suppose you have hundreds of thousands to spend and you figure you can just hire a marketing company an pay to get the “Ad” spot? Not so fast.

First paying to get on the first page of Google is an auction. You can’t just find a list price and send Google Money. You must bid on what’s called keywords.

An example of a keyword is “Phoenix DUI Lawyer.”

Say you’re a Phoenix DUI lawyer with an office in downtown Phoenix.

Currently, if you want to bid on “Phoenix DUI Lawyer” it will start at about $115.00 per click, and you’ll probably end up paying $130.00 per click or more.

Yes, that’s not a typo, you are literally paying Google $130.00 every time someone clicks on the link. You pay this amount even if the person never hires you. Additionally, the spots at the top rotate and change based on Google’s secret algorithm.

You can see how this can get very expensive.

There is, however, a safeguard when paying these astronomical fees.  You can place a limit on how much you will spend. For example, if you’re paying $100 per click, you can place a limit of $1,000.00, and after 10 click your ad stops.

So the SEO marketing company is not technically lying. If you have a million dollar marketing budget, you can probably get to the top of Google.

But, even if people click your link, or even if they call you, there is no guarantee they will hire you. Gambling in Las Vegas is more fun.


Can you get to the top of Google without paying? Organically

Organically means not paying Google to move up the Google rankings.

Can you and your small law firm get to the top of the first page of Google without paying?

Almost impossible

If a marketer calls you and says they can get you to the top of Google without paying for those “Ad” spots mentioned above, hang up immediately.

The only way you are going to get to the top without paying is if you have been writing about your area of law on the internet for many years, maybe 15 years or more.

When it comes to lawyers, you will never be listed higher than services like Avvo or Yelp on Google – organically (not paying).


The Long Tail Exception

There is an exception if you have a specific area of practice and rank well for that keyword.

For example, say your law firm only takes DUI cases where people are charged with DUI while driving English cars with the steering wheel on the right side of the car under the influence of marijuana. If you will probably get to the top of Google if you write articles about your specific area of law every few days for three to six months. 

Then when someone types into Google “marijuana DUI in English Car With Steering Wheel on the Right side of the car,” your firm will be at the top of Google.

That is an exaggerated example of what’s called a “Long Tail Keyword.”

That is the only way to get to top of Google without paying.

As for marketing your business, you can see how slim your chances are of getting to the top of Google if you don’t have well over $100,000.00 to spend. 

Most solo law firms or small businesses can’t afford this.

Newsletter Marketing is a much more effective and affordable marketing method.