Online Marketing For Lawyers For New Year

Online Marketing For Lawyers and NYE Resolution Crowd.

It’s January 3, 2019, at 1:45 p.m and I’m back at my office after my gym workout. 

To say it was hard to find a parking spot within 100 yards of the gym’s entrance is an understatement. There were twice as many people at the gym today because everyone’s new year’s resolution is the same – get in shape.

I couldn’t help but think that this is the same thing as online marketing a law firm.

Most lawyers market their law firms with shocking irregularity. 


How To Use Online Marketing to Get New Clients For Law Firm

Most successful law firms know they must affirmatively seek business. Whether you’re trying to get the phone ringing with new clients through referrals or you’re doing cartoonish commercials on TV, you likely know that you must inform people that you’re open for business.


If You Build it, They Will Not Come

For the last 20 years, I’ve rented an office in buildings with other businesses including lawyers. Every couple of months, I see a lawyer in a perfectly tailored navy blue suit following movers with a desk, chairs, computers, and other things that you see in law firms.

He can’t wait to hang his Harvard Law School diploma and shingle.

Six months later, I see the mover rolling the same desk, chairs, and computers out of the office in the opposite direction out the door.

The excellent lawyer closed his firm because he could not get clients to hire him.

Maybe being a good lawyer was enough in the 1960s Perry Mason era, when people naturally heard about you and called, but not anymore.

These days, you must market your law firm even if you’re Clarence Darrow.


Law Firm Marketing in Good Times

Yeah right. One problem, and I’m as guilty of this as anyone is that just because we know we need to market our law firms, that doesn’t mean we do it all the time.

Law Firm online marketing, and law firm marketing in general, is like umbrellas, we only think about them when it’s raining. 

When the phone rings off the hook and we are awash in cash, we forget to market our firm.

And yes, just like today’s gym, the couch potato in December only decided to go when he looked in the mirror shirtless and saw his belly hanging down. 

So how do you solve this problem of neglect in good times?


Woodfork & Company Law Firm Marketing Agency 

The only way most of us are going to market our law firm, i.e., buy an umbrella when it’s dry, or go to the gym when we have a six-pack, is with help.

There’s an old saying that if information were the key to success, everyone would have perfect bodies because everyone knows the key to being in shape is diet and exercise.

But the key to success is actually doing it.


The Real Benefit of a Trainer 

Most law firms start off well at the beginning of the year sending out a bi-weekly or monthly newsletter for the first few months. I know because I get a dozen or so. However, do you know how many I get in June? Maybe two.

Almost all law firms fail to send out their marketing materials consistently.

Similar to the gym, when you hire a gym trainer, you’re not hiring him to tell you what to do. The trainer is hired to motivate you and force you to wake up at 6:00 am when you don’t want to.

This is where Woodfork and Company steps in. 

But an online marketing agency like Woodfork and Company does not force you to send out newsletters; we go one step further and do it for you.

This would be like the trainer lifting the weights for you, but you get the six-pack abs. What could be better, you don’t even have to think about marketing, but you’re getting more business.

If you would like more information on our service, please contact us at