The Email is Dead Rumors Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Email is not Dead.

Email is not dead.

Yes, everyone has Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. Also, there are new messaging services such as Slack and Telegram coming out all the time.

However, in 2019, 270 billion emails are still sent out and received daily. That’s not changing anytime soon.

Sure, if you’re working at a blockchain startup, or working on a Bitcoin ICO, you think email is a relic of the past. However, I can’t think of a single lawyer who uses Slack or telegram.


How to Make an Extra $10,000 per month

Let’s assume the average solo practitioner DUI lawyer brings in $5,000.00 per case. How hard is it to get two extra cases?

Well if you have 700-1000 email contacts, not very.


The Numbers Are Simple

Newsletter providers keep statistics. Whether you use Constant Contact, MailChimp, Convertkit, AWeber, or some other provider, they all keep detailed statistics.

They keep track of the average number of opens, bounces, unsubscribes, etc.

The average open rate for lawyers is out of every 100 emails sent, 22 will be opened.

While this is the average, depending on your practice area, how you cultivate your list, the quality of your headlines and content, your open rates could double.

But how do you get that new case?

If you get 22 opens, two or three of the recipients will call you or email you with a legal question.

One or two people may call you saying they were referred by someone who received your email. This happens a lot.

Lawyers who receive your email will refer you. A lawyer on your lists gets a call from someone with a legal question outside their practice area. They know you do, and forward your information to the potential client.

(Remember, this is why you need to be friends with lawyers) I wrote about this in depth on my own website. See articlehere

Despite the above, whenever I meet a lawyer, I always ask them to add me to their newsletter. 90% don’t have one.

And those few who do, are usually part of a large firm who’ve outsourced their marketing. 

Why lawyers, chiropractors, and real estate agents don’t use this marking tool, I’ll never know.

Newsletters are the best way to get new clients for any crisis business.

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